Thursday, September 26, 2013


So often we focus on things that in the big picture really just don't matter. We spend time doing stuff that doesn't bring us closer to our goals! Here is a great question: What is it that you want? what is it that want to become? What is it that you are passionate about? Focus on the answers to these questions! Invest your time in the things that matter to you! Major in the Majors! Find out what is MAJOR in your life and then treat it like it is major!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keynote Presentations


Bruce's flagship program with a simple message:

If you allow yourself to have a bad day, you LOSE!

NO BAD DAYS is a philosophy of life! It's a mindset. An Attitude!

In NO BAD DAYS you will learn:

    • The power of the scale 1 to 10!
    • The importance of "face value"!
    • The power of positive behavior patterns!
    • The power of individual attitude in an organization!
    • The power of attitude!
    • The power of your encouragement group!
    • The power of personal development and more!


Do the common thing uncommonly well!

If you want to attract success then you have to be attractive!

NO BAD SERVICE is the short list of things that will change you and your business!